
It’s been a while!

I’ve been super busy … work, holiday to Orlando and basically life have stopped me from posting anything recently.  But now things are calming down a bit more and I can finally update this thing.  Which is fortunate because I have a couple of Pinterest rants to share.



So this is the original pin – it’s something that tends to be an issue I have to deal with at least once a week when people who are religious find out that I’m an atheist.

Screen Shot 2014-06-02 at 03.20.44I don’t really know where to start with this one.  It’s SO passive/ aggressive that she instantly raised my hackles – and I know that xtians and other religious people believe that they are evangelising to me however they always seem to veil their comments in mock ‘respect’.  I get this a lot in conversations I have with believers at work and then people wonder why atheists come across as angry and sometimes aggressive.  Because it’s ok to do this to us but imagine if we spoke to them the same way?  You see, I NEVER go onto an xtian’s pins, or a Muslim’s pins, or a Buddhist’s, Hindu’s, Sikh’s, Wiccan’s, Druid’s etc. pins and say ‘Seriously, what’s your problem?  Please don’t get me wrong, I respect you and love you (even though I don’t know you) but why are you such an idiot for believing that crap?’.  I don’t ever do that, I simply pin my pins and that’s it.  But when someone encroaches on my boards and starts waffling at me I feel that I have every right to respond.

So, this Ellie Rose, parenthesises her comment to me in protestations of love and respect.  Then asks me how, if I’ve ‘apparently’ done all this religious research (obviously I’m lying about that) how can I close my eyes and heart off.  This really really annoys me.  Where is her love and respect for me?  Why is she assuming that my heart and eyes are closed?  In fact, mine are opened wider.  I’ve not been bogged down with the religion of my parents, in fact I’ve been enlightened by my own religious awakening – that there is no religion.  There is no god.  In fact this beautiful, amazing world is ours to make work NOW.  I don’t need a promise of another life so that I’m good here.  I simply know that I need to be good because that’s the way to be.

Grrrrrrrr 🙂  But Ellie Rose, I think, was just trying to understand, but I doubt she really read what I wrote. They never do.  They get the ‘rise’ out of the atheist – we’ve proved their point that atheists are angry and aggressive – and that’s it.

Ok, so that’s Ellie Rose, flying spaghetti monster bless her, but Lotus needs to go away and admit they’re wrong:

Screen Shot 2014-06-02 at 03.39.14At no point on this pin do I state that this is from the Qu’ran:

Screen Shot 2014-06-02 at 03.41.13In fact in the ‘description’ I quote the full Tabari again.  I know that Tabari can be considered controversial however I am still allowed to quote him! He’s an historical figure in Islam and people do read his works. In the same way that I can quote pastors, priests etc. from Christianity.

So I get this patronising comment from ‘dear’ Lotus:

Screen Shot 2014-06-02 at 03.46.41Such pass/agg bull again – ‘my dear’, ‘may god guide you’, ‘love’. Arg … you don’t know me … you think you know me but you don’t.  Why would I want ‘god’ to guide me? I’m a bloody atheist! If he/she is guiding me they’re doing a bloody awful job of it aren’t they?

Then to ask me ‘what do you know about Islam – make research about Tabari’.  Why assume that I don’t research?

So I showed dear Lotus some of my research from the Qu’ran:

Screen Shot 2014-06-02 at 03.49.46Words that offend me about women from the Qu’ran.  Obviously not as inflammatory as Tabari but still offensive to me.

Screen Shot 2014-06-02 at 03.51.10And finished it with this … ahhh … good old Lotus comes back with their pass/agg bull again:

Screen Shot 2014-06-02 at 03.52.12Why start this with me and then not be prepared to discuss what I had raised?  I’m happy to discuss if you don’t patronise me.  And a strange quote from Stuart Chase to finish with.  Basically she’s saying that to be a believer you are just an idiot who doesn’t need any sort of proof.  But to be a non-believer we can’t be talked to.  I think it was less offensive to me to be be honest!

Also to state that ‘this is not the place’ for the discussion made no sense – she started it!

Screen Shot 2014-06-02 at 03.56.57ARGHHHH

It’s no wonder I get angry and frustrated because they are so fucking arrogant.

I feel I lost it a bit here – usually I’m very calm and measured (and people often say I’m too bloody polite) but I dislike people accusing me of being ‘hateful’ when I am referring to texts that are FULL of hate.  I dislike people saying that I am ignorant when I do research 98% of what I pin and I DO remove or admit when I’ve got something wrong.

Anyhoo – this was for you guys to enjoy – so enjoy.

Links to the original pins:

– Tabari

– Yes I’m an atheist.

Why ‘some women’ don’t want children

Yes, as strange as it may sound, there are some women out there who don’t want children!  I’m one of them.  I’ve gone through phases of my hormones kicking in and making me broody however I’m thankful that my brain kicks in and reminds me that I’ve never wanted children and that I’m quite happy to be an aunty.

I came across this ‘article’ today that just really annoyed me: http://www.divinecaroline.com/22123/84463-some-don-t-children/2#ixzz26mvlcZx8

Especially the last section:

Whatever a woman’s reasons for not wanting kids might be, you should never judge her. Usually her reasons are sensible and deserve to be respected.

Thank you … I’m glad to have someone telling the world on my behalf that my reasons are to be respected as long as they’re ‘sensible’.  Look at the western world today, a world that doesn’t ‘need’ children.  A world where half of the population could stop breeding tomorrow and we could still probably carry on.  However for selfish and often arrogant reasons people breed.  What other reasons are there for having children other than ‘I want one’ and ‘I want to carry on the family line’?
How are these sensible reasons?
I’m sure I’ve ranted about this before but I hate being labelled a ‘freak’ or ‘weirdo’ because I don’t want children.



I’ve very lucky that I live in a country where I can have an abortion.  I am in a relationship with a man I love and want to spend the rest of my life with, I take birth control and we are careful.  However one day we might be unlucky and due to a stomach bug or me forgetting one day to take my pill I could get pregnant.  I would not make a good parent – I’ve never wanted children and if I fell pregnant I know that I would always hold it against the child for taking away my freedom.  I would have the option to have an abortion.

If I was on the poverty line unable to support a child and give it the life it deserved I could have an abortion – there are enough unwanted children in this country – why add another one to live in care?

If I was raped I wouldn’t want to bring a child born of hate and violence into the world; I could have an abortion.

Because I live in a the modern country.  I live in a country that supports women.

I live in a country where I get FREE contraception!  I am allowed to discuss, for free, with my GP which birth control suits me without having my sex life being scrutinised.

So why am I writing about this?  Well as you know I’m very interested in US politics – and this issue has really caught my attention because it fascinates me that such a new country could be so backward when it comes to birth-control and women’s health issues.

Obviously Todd Akin’s quote about ‘legitimate rape’ and how the body can ‘shut down’ so that a woman doesn’t become pregnant has brought the issue back in the public eye again.  I cannot believe that a country like this is even using terms like ‘legitimate rape’.  When is rape NOT legitimate?  And a quote like Akin’s is so dangerous when I woman reports a rape and gets pregnant.  Does this mean that she couldn’t have been so stressed that her body didn’t ‘shut down’ and therefore she couldn’t have been raped?

Why are MEN even debating this issue?

I have a lot more to say on this however I MUST get ready for work – I will be back to rant some more – I want to find a Rachel Maddow clip that I heard on Best of the Left podcast to add to this.